Seller's Guide 

  1. In order to post an item to be auctioned off,  you must first be registered. 

To register, simply click on the Register link.  Choose a user name which you can easily remember, and fill in the other required fields.  Your password will automatically be generated and emailed to you.  You can change your password at any time by choosing the Member Services option and then clicking the Change Your Password link.

You only need to register once,  as you can change your user information at any time by choosing Member Services, and then clicking the Edit My Registration link.

Notes: There may only be one account per email address.  The system will not let you create more than one account with the same email address.

Depending on how the administrator has set up the auction system,  your account may need to be verified before it is activated.

If verification is required, you will not be allowed to make any further changes to your account until it is activated.

  Entering Your Billing Information
  1. Once you have an active account,  you must enter in your billing information in order to post an auction.  You can enter your billing information by choosing the Member Services option, then clicking on the My Billing Information link.
  2. You can change your billing information at any time by choosing the Member Services option, then clicking on the My Billing Information link.
  Listing an Item
  1. You can list an item by navigating to the category where you want your item listed, and then choosing the Add an Auction link.  

Note: Not all categories allow items to be listed directly within them.  Only those categories that allow listings to be added have an Add an Auction link. 

  2. Once you choose the correct category for your item,  simply follow all the onscreen instructions to add your item.  All options that have an associated charge will note that charge when you choose it. Use the Help links if you are confused by any options.  

Once you have entered all the information about your item,  you will be presented with a preview screen where you can review all of the information you have entered and options you have chosen. Use the Back button to go back and make any necessary changes.  Do not press the Finish button until you are absolutely sure that all of the information is correct.  You will not be able to change or edit any information once you press the Finish button, and your account will immediately be charged  with any applicable charges.

Once you press the Finish button your auction will be listed immediately and you will be presented with a link to where you can view your auction, and a receipt for what you have been charged for adding the auction.  It is highly recommended that you print out this receipt as a record of your transaction.

Your Account Status and Billing
1. You can check the status of any debits or credits that have been charged to your account by choosing the Member Services option, and clicking on the View My Bill link. 
2. Log into your account using your username and password,  and then choose a date for which to view your bill.  All transactions for your chosen billing period will tell you what the debit (Listing Fee, Closing Fee) or credit (Transaction Code, Registration Credit) was for, how much it was, and the date that it was processed.
3. You account will be billed on a monthly basis.  All account balances will carry over to the next month.

Note: Accounts with past due balances may be frozen by an administrator.  Users with a frozen account will not be able to bid, post items, or edit their account information.

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Transmitted: 3/14/2025 3:04:51 AM
Auction Software by XCENT